Monday, September 17, 2007

Denise Goes Batty At Fall Retreat...

This was one of those times that you 'had to have been there'.

We had left Tiffin earlier that morning and had enjoyed a nice, relaxing ride down to the southeastern part of the state. This was our first adventure over in that area, so we took our time, had stopped off at Dairy Queen for burgers and shakes, and arrived somewhere around 2:00pm. If my guesstimates are correct, we were really close to the West Virginia state line. There in the beautiful mountains, nestled in this incredible state park was our Seneca Lake Baptist Campground. This was an absolute masterpiece of nature. Breathtaking.

After registration was complete, we unloaded our things in our room, and made our way over to the chapel. We had been asked to set up a table display for our Collegiate Ministry, and it was going to be in the display area of the chapel (more on this later). We finished the display and was blessed to participate in the other activities that were on the itenerary.

After the evening meal, it was time for a "'round the campfire" time of praise & worship music. The fire was gorgeous as it danced in the dusk of the evening, doing it's best to remove the chill in the air that was settleing in for the night. A praise team from southern Ohio had their equipment set up, near the fire-site. And as they began to lead the group in an intimate time of worship, you could almost sense the presence of God descending...

Denise and I had chosen to remain on the patio, adjacent to the campfire site. More seating was available, and to be honest, we had a much better view. I always have loved to be able to watch others worship...

Then, the excitement began...

We were sitting next to the main campground building in this patio area. I had my head laid back against the brick wall, soaking in all the music. It was at that moment when I was almost in the moment...eyes were closed, my hands were raised...that I raised up away from the wall. As soon as I did, Denise jerked away from the wall, hitting me and almost knocking me off of the bench I was sitting on. As I looked back at Denise to see what in the world just happened, I saw something flying out of the corner of my eye. I looked up at Denise, and I was getting that know what I'm talkin' about...'the look'. It was that look that I always get when I've obviously done something. In my loving manner, I blurted out 'What?' 'What in world...' It was still there...the look! And in our greatest surprise, we both turned to look at the lady who was sitting on the other side of Denise, and she was the color of cotton...scared to death. All she could say was, "It was a BAT!"


She repeated herself. Denise and I looked at each other and shook our heads and said, 'Ain't No Way!' The lady said, yes it was!

This bat had flew down the side of the building and turned the corner where we were sitting at that exact moment that I raised up from the wall. Not realizing anybody was in it's way, it flew into Denise, making her think that I had hit her. But when she looked at me, both of my hands were in front of me as I was enjoying the worship. Obviously, this bat was in serious need of a radar over-haul! I'll bet he re-navigates his path the next time he decides to fly around that corner at Mach 8.

There is one good thing that came about this...I sure am glad I had raised up from the brick wall, or that crazy bat would have flew right into the side of my head!

1 comment:

Robert Fellows, Jr. said...

Going "batty" for Jesus! NICE!!