Friday, January 25, 2008

South Arkansas Critters...

I keep trying to tell people just how serious the critters are in South Arkansas, but no one believes me. Finally I have proof! Ya'll these bad boys are nothing to mess with I'm telling you. Be very afraid...

Wrappin' Up The Week On The Coast...

It's been a great week, here on the North Coast. The temperatures have been crazy! It's currently 4 degrees outside, about 1/2 inch of snow, winds at about 20 mph. I'm seriously talking COLD!!! When I went to work this morning, it was 2 degrees with a wind chill of -10! So far, I can't put on enough layers of clothes to get warm!

We had a great service this past Sunday at The River Church (plant). And last night, we had a great time at h2o. It amazes me that so many students will brave the cold just to hang out & fellowship and to study God's Word.

Our h2o Radio is growing by leaps & bounds! If you haven't downloaded the FREE player yet, drop by HERE, and download the player. Great music...24/7 right on your desktop.

Hope you have a great weekend, stay warm...enjoy the coffee...

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Saturday Morning Thoughts...

It's a brisk morning, here on the 'coast. It's 16 degrees with a wind chill of 1 degree! Now that's what I'm calling cold! We're supposed to see this type of temperatures for the next 7 days! Brrrrrrr! As I look out our dining room window, the snow is beginning to fall...just flurries for now, should get more later on tonight. I've just started a fire in the fire place and let me tell you, it feels GOOD! There's something about snow falling and being inside by a fireplace...

I've been up for a while this morning, letting the girls sleep in. I've taken that opportunity to work on tomorrow nights message/Bible study that we will have with our church plant. We are still meeing on the TU campus for now, but are hoping on answers for an off-campus location soon. I hope the cold temperatures doesn't effect our attendance. I've still got to complete the powerpoint for it though. That shouldn't take too long. I'm hoping that today will prove to be a quiet & lazy day. The first week back for the spring semester has been quite hectic. Great...but sometimes hectic.

I guess that's about it for now, hope you have a great weekend...

Friday, January 18, 2008

New Book Release...

One of my closest and dearest friends in all the world, Shane Knight, has just released his first book. It has been in the printing and editing stages for many months, and today it was announced to the public. I'm extremely excited for him and his ministry, and I strongly feel that his work can & will help other pastors and staff members.

"If The Truth Be Told" is a hard hitting book on the stress that ministers face in vocational ministry and how this stress can lead to ministers and other staff members leaving vocational ministry. He has put an unbelievable amount of time and research in this project. I have been with him from the very concept of this book, and I've read in it's entirety, and I must say, it is a must read for your libraries. It will be available for purchase at all major book stores on April 22nd, however, you can order your copy NOW online HERE.

Please pray that God will use this book in a mighty and powerful way.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Dad's Update...

We got the Spring Semester kicked off at Tiffin University this morning with our students waking to a fresh dusting of snow! And it's snowed all day! Our campus is gorgeous anyway, but the snow just adds that little 'somethin' somethin'!

Tab had an incredible day, busy, but great! She was able to get 2 of her classes this semester with favorite professor, and adviser. Now that's a win-win situation!

Denise and I are trying to get things wrapped up for our Thursday h2o gathering. And I'm still tinkering with our radio station. If you haven't downloaded the player yet, you're missing out. It's amazing how many students are now listening to h2o Radio. It's so cool to see God at work!

If you get a chance, tomorrow, January 15th is Denise's birthday! CLICK HERE and drop her a birthday email, she would love to hear from you.

Gotta go, talk to you soon...

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Weekly Update...

It's been a busy week at the Whaley house this past week! Tab had her wisdom teeth cut out, so you can imagine the week she has had. We're all gearing up for the Spring Semester to start tomorrow at Tiffin University. We spent Saturday in Columbus at the State Collegiate Leaders meeting, and afterwards, we found this amazing place to's the Easton Town Center Mall. Wish I had some pics...amazing. And I've spent a TON of time getting our radio staion totally ready for launch.

This week, we'll try to get back to some type of routine. I'm excited about our h2o Worship Gatherings starting back this Thursday. And we will also be meeting on Sunday night as well. This is the meeting/gathering of our church plant.

I've had a couple of great opportunities over the past couple of weeks to speak at local churches in our association. We were at East Fremont Baptist Church on December 23rd, and at Port Clinton Baptist Church on December 30th.

That's kind of a quick wrap up. Hope all is well with ya'll. Leave us a comment and let us know how you are doing...and any prayer requests that we can join you in.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

h2o Goes Global...

For many months now, God has placed a tremendous vision...a burning passion in my heart to 'step outside the normal thought patterns' of outreach. To literally take Acts 1:8 and pursue it with abandon. Everything pointed in one direction...somehow, someway music, had to be the avenue...but how? After all, music is the window to the soul. But how...what?
Then it all became very clear...

Beginning this Spring, our h2o Campus Ministry is launching a full scale Internet Radio Station! Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week non-stop Contemporary Christian Music along with today's Modern Worship Leaders. You will also hear online devotions...h2o news...and lots more! The world just became smaller...

Our station is on the air NOW! Please take this as my personal invitation to go over to our h2o Radio Station website. First and foremost, pray for it...ask for God's blessing, and for his protection. Ask God to use this outreach tool to His Glory!

Then, download the FREE Player and begin enjoying h2o Radio!

Remember, the more people that downloads the player...the more that listen...the more we share the Gospel. Be apart of our Acts 1:8 vision!

New Blogger In Town...

Hey Ya'll,

One of my best friends in all the world has entered the blog world. Get on over an meet Shane. He has 'A Knights Insight'. Tell him I sent you!