Monday, December 28, 2009

Welcome To Our Ministry!

Greetings from Ohio’s Northcoast! It seems as only yesterday that our family was enjoying the warmth of southern Arkansas. It’s still hard for us to imagine that we’ve been in Ohio now, going on three years. But what an incredible three years it’s been! We’re continually seeing God at work all throughout our campus. In these short years, we’ve seen almost 20 students accept Christ as their personal Savior, another 50+ students rededicate their lives, seven students become Small Group Leaders each leading a weekly on-campus Bible Study, and we’re seeing our weekly attendance in our large group worship gatherings plus our Small Groups near 150 students each week! With our latest project, we’re hoping to reach even more students on multiple campuses! This past semester, we launched our own Internet TV Channel, where we Stream our LIVE services each week, plus have them recorded for anyone to access them anytime on-demand. Our on-line audience currently nears 20 at each of our services, and as you can imagine, the possibilities are endless! And this is just a sample of what God is doing, here at Tiffin University.

Our H2O College Ministry is recognized as an official organization on campus, which gives us a voice in the University’s Student Government organization. We’re excited to tell you that as of this past semester, H2O is TU’s LARGEST ORGANIZATION on campus! We’re also invited each year to partner with the University’s Admissions Department in the recruitment of new students! In addition to the organizational status on campus, we’re also in the middle of launching a collegiate church plant, right on the campus. The River Church is a specifically designed church to meet the needs of our student population. Our vision is to reach them and grow them in Christ, helping them to become leaders in the church so that when a student graduates from our university, they are prepared to serve in a leadership capacity in their new church home where they begin their careers!

As you can tell, things are incredibly exciting and very busy in our ministry. We would like to invite you, your family, and/or your church to become involved in the excitement and this awesome move of God! Serving as NAMB (North American Mission Board) MSC Missionaries, we are responsible for raising our own financial support. I currently work a part-time job (28 hours per week), which assists in some of our expenses, but it’s not enough to take care of our housing and personal expenses. We try to spend as much time as possible on our campus, reaching our students and ministering to them. Because of the lack of time throughout the week to work more hours in my current secular job or even a second job, we would like to ask you to prayerfully consider becoming one of our financial partners in our ministry. We would humbly ask that you consider us as one of your mission’s projects and become one of our monthly financial supporters. This would allow us to continue to be highly visible on our campus, which I truly believe, is critical in the spiritual lives of our students.

Here are our websites that will give you a deeper look into our ministry:

H2O College Ministry Site:

The River Church Site:

On-Line Internet Streaming Sites: and

All of your contributions are tax deductible. Whether a one-time gift or you are interested in being one of our monthly financial sponsors, your gifts are so very much appreciated...and very much needed. The strength of our ministry depends on you. For your gifts, you may make your donations HERE.

May God’s continued Blessings be poured out on you, your family and your church. I look forward to hearing from you. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call me. Thank you for your prayers and for your support! Have a wonder-filled New Year!

Serving Him On Ohio’s Northcoast,

Jim Whaley
Collegiate Pastor
NAMB MSC Missionary

Sunday, December 27, 2009

TRUTH: Love to watch falling snow! One of THE most beautiful sites on earth. From that point, I hate the snow, sleet and any cold weather. Just sayin'!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas 2009...

Christmas. The wonder. The magic. The mystery. The love. The baby.

Yep, that's what it's all about!

Such an amazing day today for me. There will be moments from today that will forevermore be etched in my mind. The looks...the gestures...the laughter... The intensity of the love that was in my home today was staggering! I was simply awestruck! God has blessed me with a family that gives me so much love, words can't describe it. I am simply not worthy of it. I really wish I could write down exactly how I'm feeling tonight, but that would be volumes! My heart overflows...

To the most wonderful family ever, I love you girls! Thanks for lovin' me back!

May your home be filled with His Love...
Happy Birthday Jesus!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve 2009 Thoughts...

Today was an awesome day!

I had to work for part of the day...super busy...but not too bad overall. Then, my annual excursion began...

Each year on Christmas Eve, I make my yearly jaunt to some type of shopping establishment, for the sole purpose of watching people! I look forward to it all year long! Some times I go to the mall...sometimes to Walmart, or KMart, or even Target....but I'm always out there...watching! LOL! My Daddy got me started do it years ago. It was his habit also! But, Dad was also doing ALL of his Christmas shopping on Christmas Eve. He NEVER bought anything, until Christmas Eve. He planned his entire day to shop...and to watch people!

I dare you to try it!

I joke sometimes with people and tell them that I get a year's worth of sermon illustrations just on that one day alone! LOL!

That's not far from the truth! LOL!

After I made it home, it was a mad rush trying to get all of the presents wrapped...but we made it! Tabitha went to Christmas Eve services at Devin's home church, which gave Denise and I prime opportunity to do all the 'Christmas stuff' we needed to do! Whew! We made it! LOL!

Now everbody's wrapped up, in bed, waiting on the big guy in the bright red suit to make his appearance. Denise has the turkey in the oven doing it's slow roast thing...dang, it smells good already! Me, just sitting here, enjoyed some rich creamy eggnog while ago, watching Christmas movies on the TV...and been having too much fun on Facebook and Twitter!

But somehow in the midst of the awe and wonder of the Eve, my mind drifts back to the Arizona desert. Back to where Christmas Eve was spent walking in the city parks and neighborhoods of Glendale and Phoenix being...being wisked away by the shere enchantment of Christmas in the desert. It was absolutely magical! For many years, our family would spend the Christmas season with my Dad in Phoenix. Those two or three weeks each year created multiple lifetimes of memories! My Dad was the emitomy of the Christmas Spirit...he was amazing!

It 's been many years now, since my Dad has past on...many years since I've been caught up in the wonderland that he always created...many years, but the memories remain strong! Even though tonight we'll spend our Christmas in the frozen tundra known as the Northcoast of Ohio, there's a part of me that will always go back to the desert, to experience the magic once again.

I'm there now....

Happy Birthday Jesus...Merry Christmas Denise and Tabitha...Merry Christmas Mom and Dad...

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

My Annual Shopping Trip...

Today was the day I chose to complete my annual pilgrimage to that fascinating land of enchantment called...The Mall! LOL! Each year, usually extremely close to Christmas, I make my way to the stores...hard hat and steel toed shoes in hand...and face the onslaught of Christmas shoppers in hopes of avoiding the merry mayhem that seemingly always await me! LOL! Today, I chose to go to Sandusky, Ohio for my trip.

I chose well.

It was, without a doubt, one of my best yearly trips ever! There wasn't 'that' big of a crowd in any of the holiday riots to avoid...just right!

And to make it all 'Christmasey', the snow was lightly falling all day as I went in and out of stores. Just made for the perfect atmosphere!

I missed my girls....but I guarantee they'll enjoy what Santa found!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Daily News...December 21st, 2009

Well, we survived another Monday! LOL! Things were spastic at work today...typical for a Monday. Sure glad to get out of that place! hahaha! Enjoyed a evening at home. But that did include giving Sandy (our dog) a bath. I think I got more water and soap on me! And the first thing she wants to do when I get her clean and dry....that's right, to go outside and play in the snow! LOL!!! Silly dog!

Now just chillin', doin' a tad bit of surfin' and enjoying a wonderful fire in the fireplace. I won't be able to enjoy it long, my eyelids are getting heavy.........

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Weekend Wrapup...

It's been a whirlwind weekend for our family. Yesterday was spent on a shoppin' extravaganza to Columbus trying to do as much damage as possible to our Christmas list! LOL! The three of us had a blast! I got lots of little things done last night after we returned home, mainly doing some minor writing projects, and some sermon prep for this morning's message.

Today, up early for final sermon prep, then on the road to Elyria Baptist Church to speak in the Morning Worship Service. Pastor Chuck was away for the weekend, and he gave me the opportunity to fill in for him. Denise and I had an incredible time! We discovered the most diverse congregation thus far to us in Ohio! It was amazing! We were truly treated like family! Such a warm and loving body of believers. Thanks Pastor Chuck for allowing me to hang out with your people!

After returning home, I was expecting to kinda lounge around the house the rest of the day, doing some reading...surfing...oh and don't forget napping! LOL! But Denise had one of those wild hairs and wanted to get back out to head to Findlay. No specific purpose really, just to go and look around. Tabitha and her boyfriend Devin joined us for this minor road trip...we had a great time! IHOP for supper....dang, didn't know that New York Cheesecake Pancakes could be so good! LOL

It's been obvious to me all day that God has been busy in churches all across this beautiful county! Just by reading my Twitter feeds, Facebook status updates and different blogs, God showed up EVERYWHERE! In all types of multiple states. I've been truly blessed just by following the excitement.

Now it's time to chill for a while. We've got a dense cloud cover pretty much over our entire state...snow is lightly falling...we've got a fire in the fireplace...and fresh coffee beside me! Yep, I'm good to go!

Ya'll have a great week...stay tuned to my micro-blogs throughout the week!

God Bless...
Speaking today @ Elyria BC. Prayin' that God fills us today w/ the magic & wonder of Christmas. Takin' a trip back to the manger! Such an amazing story!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Random Thought: When God REALLY places a call on your life, you will sacrifice anything...everything, for the sake of the call. And, He ALWAYS provides!

Our First Snowfall Of The Season...

You know, I was really beginning to wonder! LOL! Here it is, December 19th, and we finally got our first measurable snowfall of the season! Thankfully, this is only a taste of what the folks on the East Coast are feeling today! We got somewhere around 1", but nothing on the roads, thank the Lord! Right now, the snow is lightly falling. I would imagine that we should get another 1" or so before the day is over. Looks like a great day to wrap up our Christmas shopping!

We're fixin' to head down to Columbus to hang out at Polaris Mall...sure to find Krispy Kreme donuts along the way! :)

Looks like the girls are ready...super excited for a great day of quality family time!