Sunday, September 14, 2008

Are You Jokin'?!

I've seen some crazy weather stuff in my life, but today really takes the cake. We're just a short drive off the coast of Lake Erie...hundreds of miles off the Gulf Coast, and today we've got Hurricane force winds?! Are you seriously jokin'? My buddy TJ, down in Louisville, KY is one of thousands without power from this massive wind storm that's made it's way up the Ohio Valley. His church, TLC, was literally shakin off the foundation this morning, and this time it had nothing to do with Holy Spirit!

As we were heading to church tonight, it was a chore just to keep our vehicle on the road. Limbs and trees were everywhere, siding was flying off houses, our campus had stuff blown everywhere, and I think I saw a cow go by on our way home! Insane.

Oh, and the world must be coming to an end...our Wal-Mart Super Store is CLOSED thanks to no power...along with Arbys and half of our community. Dude, just when I wanted some Curly Fries too...

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