Thursday, May 28, 2009

Strange Coincedence?

I find it overwhelmingly coincedental that the final word to win the Scripps National Spelling Bee is "Laodicean". Seriously, think about it. The one word that millions of ears are anxiously awaiting to be spelled correctly, means 'lukewarm or indifferent'. Coincedental? I think not. Look at Revelation 3:14-22. A familiar passage of Scripture, that typically defines the majority of churches across this land. 'Lukewarm' is not a word that I want to describe me. Look at what Christ says He feels about being 'lukewarm'. It makes Him sick at His stomac h when He thinks about you and me being this, 'lukewarm'. So much so that Scriptures tells us that He wants to "vomit you out of My mouth."

Think God is trying to tell us something? I do! I mean, just think...God used the National Spelling Bee to share with us His thoughts about today's church.

Makes me sick too...

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