Sunday, August 17, 2008

Prayer Walk 2008...

Our first Prayer Walk is in the books. I guess it would be easy to be discouraged because we only had 8 participate. But in reality, it was who those 8 were, that brought joy to my heart. It was simply an incredible time in the presence of an incredible God. We covered every square block of the TU Grid with an open heart & mind, seeking His presence and guidance. Of the 8, this was the first ever prayer walk for 4 of them. That was truly a blessing to watch. The beginning of a new year is here, and prayer is the best foundation that can be given. I'm overwhelmed at the anticipation I saw today from our prayer crew. Truly a confirmation to what I've been sensing all along...

"Oh God, what exactly are You up to? Amaze me again with Your power and your presence. Make Yourself known to our students in ways that will blow their minds. I stand and wait for the next wave You're sending. Total life change is what we're believing in. Captivate us again. In Jesus' Name, Amen"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ONLY 8 participating in a PRAYER WALK? Dude, that's REVIVAL!!! I'm sure you are already experiencing a change in the spiritual climate of that campus as a result of this event.

Keep on praying, loving and reaching - because the wind of His Presence is beginning to blow across that campus like you've never felt before!