Monday, March 17, 2008

Church Ignorance...

Knowing that I could write volumns about this subject, I'm going to stick with one incident in particular.

A few weeks ago, one of the larger SBC churches in our state, (somewhere near 1000 in attendance on Sunday's), was influenced and led by the INTERIM pastor, who by the way is in his 80's and has been at the church for over a year, to bring before the church a change in the churches constitution that would no longer allow any church member under the age of 16 the right to vote in the churches business meetings. The Motion PASSED! Now, this church only recognizes members 16 and over in the voting process.

What does that tell those tells them that 'they don't matter anymore...your input...your thoughts...your ideas...and I can go on and on...are useless.' 'You are not needed here.'

And we wonder what's happening to the youth in our churches! We've already succeeded in alienating the collegiate group...those between the ages of 18 and 25...from the church body, now we're doing the same thing to the next generation.

This has got to stop...

1 comment:

dean said...

well, that explains...
a) why it's taken a year for the church to find a permanent pastor, and

b) why it will take at least that much more time to find one.

nobody in their right mind would touch this with a 10'1" pole, unless these people are so easily led that a new pastor can come in and get them to vote on changing it back with as much ease as this guy did.