Monday, December 28, 2009

Welcome To Our Ministry!

Greetings from Ohio’s Northcoast! It seems as only yesterday that our family was enjoying the warmth of southern Arkansas. It’s still hard for us to imagine that we’ve been in Ohio now, going on three years. But what an incredible three years it’s been! We’re continually seeing God at work all throughout our campus. In these short years, we’ve seen almost 20 students accept Christ as their personal Savior, another 50+ students rededicate their lives, seven students become Small Group Leaders each leading a weekly on-campus Bible Study, and we’re seeing our weekly attendance in our large group worship gatherings plus our Small Groups near 150 students each week! With our latest project, we’re hoping to reach even more students on multiple campuses! This past semester, we launched our own Internet TV Channel, where we Stream our LIVE services each week, plus have them recorded for anyone to access them anytime on-demand. Our on-line audience currently nears 20 at each of our services, and as you can imagine, the possibilities are endless! And this is just a sample of what God is doing, here at Tiffin University.

Our H2O College Ministry is recognized as an official organization on campus, which gives us a voice in the University’s Student Government organization. We’re excited to tell you that as of this past semester, H2O is TU’s LARGEST ORGANIZATION on campus! We’re also invited each year to partner with the University’s Admissions Department in the recruitment of new students! In addition to the organizational status on campus, we’re also in the middle of launching a collegiate church plant, right on the campus. The River Church is a specifically designed church to meet the needs of our student population. Our vision is to reach them and grow them in Christ, helping them to become leaders in the church so that when a student graduates from our university, they are prepared to serve in a leadership capacity in their new church home where they begin their careers!

As you can tell, things are incredibly exciting and very busy in our ministry. We would like to invite you, your family, and/or your church to become involved in the excitement and this awesome move of God! Serving as NAMB (North American Mission Board) MSC Missionaries, we are responsible for raising our own financial support. I currently work a part-time job (28 hours per week), which assists in some of our expenses, but it’s not enough to take care of our housing and personal expenses. We try to spend as much time as possible on our campus, reaching our students and ministering to them. Because of the lack of time throughout the week to work more hours in my current secular job or even a second job, we would like to ask you to prayerfully consider becoming one of our financial partners in our ministry. We would humbly ask that you consider us as one of your mission’s projects and become one of our monthly financial supporters. This would allow us to continue to be highly visible on our campus, which I truly believe, is critical in the spiritual lives of our students.

Here are our websites that will give you a deeper look into our ministry:

H2O College Ministry Site:

The River Church Site:

On-Line Internet Streaming Sites: and

All of your contributions are tax deductible. Whether a one-time gift or you are interested in being one of our monthly financial sponsors, your gifts are so very much appreciated...and very much needed. The strength of our ministry depends on you. For your gifts, you may make your donations HERE.

May God’s continued Blessings be poured out on you, your family and your church. I look forward to hearing from you. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call me. Thank you for your prayers and for your support! Have a wonder-filled New Year!

Serving Him On Ohio’s Northcoast,

Jim Whaley
Collegiate Pastor
NAMB MSC Missionary

Sunday, December 27, 2009

TRUTH: Love to watch falling snow! One of THE most beautiful sites on earth. From that point, I hate the snow, sleet and any cold weather. Just sayin'!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas 2009...

Christmas. The wonder. The magic. The mystery. The love. The baby.

Yep, that's what it's all about!

Such an amazing day today for me. There will be moments from today that will forevermore be etched in my mind. The looks...the gestures...the laughter... The intensity of the love that was in my home today was staggering! I was simply awestruck! God has blessed me with a family that gives me so much love, words can't describe it. I am simply not worthy of it. I really wish I could write down exactly how I'm feeling tonight, but that would be volumes! My heart overflows...

To the most wonderful family ever, I love you girls! Thanks for lovin' me back!

May your home be filled with His Love...
Happy Birthday Jesus!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve 2009 Thoughts...

Today was an awesome day!

I had to work for part of the day...super busy...but not too bad overall. Then, my annual excursion began...

Each year on Christmas Eve, I make my yearly jaunt to some type of shopping establishment, for the sole purpose of watching people! I look forward to it all year long! Some times I go to the mall...sometimes to Walmart, or KMart, or even Target....but I'm always out there...watching! LOL! My Daddy got me started do it years ago. It was his habit also! But, Dad was also doing ALL of his Christmas shopping on Christmas Eve. He NEVER bought anything, until Christmas Eve. He planned his entire day to shop...and to watch people!

I dare you to try it!

I joke sometimes with people and tell them that I get a year's worth of sermon illustrations just on that one day alone! LOL!

That's not far from the truth! LOL!

After I made it home, it was a mad rush trying to get all of the presents wrapped...but we made it! Tabitha went to Christmas Eve services at Devin's home church, which gave Denise and I prime opportunity to do all the 'Christmas stuff' we needed to do! Whew! We made it! LOL!

Now everbody's wrapped up, in bed, waiting on the big guy in the bright red suit to make his appearance. Denise has the turkey in the oven doing it's slow roast thing...dang, it smells good already! Me, just sitting here, enjoyed some rich creamy eggnog while ago, watching Christmas movies on the TV...and been having too much fun on Facebook and Twitter!

But somehow in the midst of the awe and wonder of the Eve, my mind drifts back to the Arizona desert. Back to where Christmas Eve was spent walking in the city parks and neighborhoods of Glendale and Phoenix being...being wisked away by the shere enchantment of Christmas in the desert. It was absolutely magical! For many years, our family would spend the Christmas season with my Dad in Phoenix. Those two or three weeks each year created multiple lifetimes of memories! My Dad was the emitomy of the Christmas Spirit...he was amazing!

It 's been many years now, since my Dad has past on...many years since I've been caught up in the wonderland that he always created...many years, but the memories remain strong! Even though tonight we'll spend our Christmas in the frozen tundra known as the Northcoast of Ohio, there's a part of me that will always go back to the desert, to experience the magic once again.

I'm there now....

Happy Birthday Jesus...Merry Christmas Denise and Tabitha...Merry Christmas Mom and Dad...

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

My Annual Shopping Trip...

Today was the day I chose to complete my annual pilgrimage to that fascinating land of enchantment called...The Mall! LOL! Each year, usually extremely close to Christmas, I make my way to the stores...hard hat and steel toed shoes in hand...and face the onslaught of Christmas shoppers in hopes of avoiding the merry mayhem that seemingly always await me! LOL! Today, I chose to go to Sandusky, Ohio for my trip.

I chose well.

It was, without a doubt, one of my best yearly trips ever! There wasn't 'that' big of a crowd in any of the holiday riots to avoid...just right!

And to make it all 'Christmasey', the snow was lightly falling all day as I went in and out of stores. Just made for the perfect atmosphere!

I missed my girls....but I guarantee they'll enjoy what Santa found!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Daily News...December 21st, 2009

Well, we survived another Monday! LOL! Things were spastic at work today...typical for a Monday. Sure glad to get out of that place! hahaha! Enjoyed a evening at home. But that did include giving Sandy (our dog) a bath. I think I got more water and soap on me! And the first thing she wants to do when I get her clean and dry....that's right, to go outside and play in the snow! LOL!!! Silly dog!

Now just chillin', doin' a tad bit of surfin' and enjoying a wonderful fire in the fireplace. I won't be able to enjoy it long, my eyelids are getting heavy.........

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Weekend Wrapup...

It's been a whirlwind weekend for our family. Yesterday was spent on a shoppin' extravaganza to Columbus trying to do as much damage as possible to our Christmas list! LOL! The three of us had a blast! I got lots of little things done last night after we returned home, mainly doing some minor writing projects, and some sermon prep for this morning's message.

Today, up early for final sermon prep, then on the road to Elyria Baptist Church to speak in the Morning Worship Service. Pastor Chuck was away for the weekend, and he gave me the opportunity to fill in for him. Denise and I had an incredible time! We discovered the most diverse congregation thus far to us in Ohio! It was amazing! We were truly treated like family! Such a warm and loving body of believers. Thanks Pastor Chuck for allowing me to hang out with your people!

After returning home, I was expecting to kinda lounge around the house the rest of the day, doing some reading...surfing...oh and don't forget napping! LOL! But Denise had one of those wild hairs and wanted to get back out to head to Findlay. No specific purpose really, just to go and look around. Tabitha and her boyfriend Devin joined us for this minor road trip...we had a great time! IHOP for supper....dang, didn't know that New York Cheesecake Pancakes could be so good! LOL

It's been obvious to me all day that God has been busy in churches all across this beautiful county! Just by reading my Twitter feeds, Facebook status updates and different blogs, God showed up EVERYWHERE! In all types of multiple states. I've been truly blessed just by following the excitement.

Now it's time to chill for a while. We've got a dense cloud cover pretty much over our entire state...snow is lightly falling...we've got a fire in the fireplace...and fresh coffee beside me! Yep, I'm good to go!

Ya'll have a great week...stay tuned to my micro-blogs throughout the week!

God Bless...
Speaking today @ Elyria BC. Prayin' that God fills us today w/ the magic & wonder of Christmas. Takin' a trip back to the manger! Such an amazing story!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Random Thought: When God REALLY places a call on your life, you will sacrifice anything...everything, for the sake of the call. And, He ALWAYS provides!

Our First Snowfall Of The Season...

You know, I was really beginning to wonder! LOL! Here it is, December 19th, and we finally got our first measurable snowfall of the season! Thankfully, this is only a taste of what the folks on the East Coast are feeling today! We got somewhere around 1", but nothing on the roads, thank the Lord! Right now, the snow is lightly falling. I would imagine that we should get another 1" or so before the day is over. Looks like a great day to wrap up our Christmas shopping!

We're fixin' to head down to Columbus to hang out at Polaris Mall...sure to find Krispy Kreme donuts along the way! :)

Looks like the girls are ready...super excited for a great day of quality family time!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

I have ate so much I'm miserable! Denise entirely outdone herself this year! Dude, I love that woman! But to be absolutely honest, this has been one of, if not THE BEST THANKSGIVINGS I have ever had! It's not about the food, although that was wasn't even the movies we rented, even though I enjoyed each and every one...what it was about, was the fact that I got to spend the entire day with the two people I, without question, love the two best friends...the two that I can always count on no matter what...the two people that I am most thankful two girls, Denise and Tabitha! I love you dearly girls!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving Eve...

It's a quiet evening here on the 'coast. Such a stress-filled day at work, and I was so glad to get off and get home! It's been a cloudy, dreary day...kinda rainy...just thick. We've even had fog warnings the past few days. Tonight though, it's cooled off, probably should start a fire.

Denise has been a busy little bee all day. She's already got the Lemon Ice Box Pie cooked...the Mississippi Mud Cookies done...the cornbread for tomorrow's dressing already baked. Dang, she's been busy! I sure do love that woman! Can't wait to wade off into her cooking tomorrow...she ALWAYS fixes an amazing Thanksgiving Feast.

I'm just so glad to be off work tomorrow, my stress level has just about erupted here lately...mostly thanks to the my job. An extra day off will be amazing! Tab started her Thanksgiving break today..slept in...then homework. Even on her break, she's busy making sure she doesn't get behind on homework. I'm so very proud of her. Her and her Mom definitely make my world go around! Words can't express how much I love them and am thankful for them.

Things are hoppin' at H2O! It's been absolutely crazy this year! So many new students ministries launched...students becoming missional...God is doing a might work at TU!

I pray that each of you have an amazing Thanksgiving...spend some quality time with your family...I know I am!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Welcome International Students

Hello! If you're an International Student at TU, we want you to know that you are welcome at H2O College Ministry! Please, consider this your invitation to join us on Thursday nights at 7pm or Sunday nights at 6pm in Chisholm Auditorium!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Weekend Wrapup...

It was an amazing weekend here on the Northcoast. So much to say, with very little time to write it down! I've got tons of stuff screamin' through my head that I want to blog about, but just can't seem to find the time to sit down and sort them out. Please pray for me that I can slow down long enough to download.

Our weekend was amazing! Lots of activities with our H2O students seemed to dominate our time! Denise has been sick, so I would ask prayer for her! Met a very gifted student on Thursday night...sure hope that God has plans for him to be a part of H2O. Natural talent...gifted beyond description...Christ-Follower...yep, he's got my attention!

Had an extraordinary time of personal worship & reflection last night. I've been watching God do some pretty amazing work in the lives of many of our students, and last night I just spent some time recounting those moments...awestruck! Our students are growing deeper in their faith walk, and sometimes I don't think they even realize it! They're becoming stronger...bolder...even sometimes aggressive in their faith! So encouraged by their witness!

Praying for an amazing week! You have one too!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Laborers For The Harvest...

Pew study report: "Nearly 1 in 4 People is Muslim" May we be moved to the very marrow of our bones! Read the report here!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Servant Evangelism Projects...

This past Friday night, we had a blast helping out our friends at East Fremont Baptist Church with their Laundry Mat Ministry. Our H2O students jumped right in! The church collects cans throughout the year and cashes them in every six months. Then the church takes the money collected and uses it to pay for as many washer & dryer loads as possible on this one night project. This time, they had collected $440.00 to be used to help as many people as they could wash & dry their clothes. We had plenty of Bibles and Gospels to give away as well. It was an amazing evening! Thanks to Pastor Walker Horne for inviting us to help!

And with ANY H2O event...there HAS to be Ice Cream in there somewhere!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

God At Work...

Now THIS is truly God at work! He's here and He's busy. And He's calling us to join him. I pray this moves you as much as it's moved me!

Saturday, July 25, 2009


I had really wondered why lately, I have been feeling really drained. You know, how you feel when every ounce of energy has been poured out of you? For some unknown reason, that's been me. I have been getting plenty of sleep...haven't missed any meals....and you know I haven't missed much coffee, LOL! Just drained lately. I've had plenty of time to study, and to work on getting ready for this Fall at H2O...loved having the opportunity to speak throughout our area on Sundays..yet, still drained.

Today, I found out why.

When God places a calling on your life, nothing else of any shape, form or fashion can fill that void. It's a 'have to', not just a 'need to', or 'want to'...but something that burns deep within you that can never be quenched.

I have that type of calling on me. I didn't ask for it, didn't pay for it, God chose me for this purpose. Many, many times guys in the ministry have callings placed on their lives, yet spend so much time and energy trying to figure out what it is. They're never satisfied...always looking for something 'else', something 'better'.

I know. For years I was one of those guys.

But today confirmed, again, exactly what my calling is. My purpose is to share the gospel and to impact as many lives possible with the Gospel to the Next Generation...our lovable college students. Gosh I love these kids!

Exactly three months ago, we had our last large group gathering on campus. Then we dismissed for the summer. Oh sure we've kept in touch via email, Facebook, texting and even Twitter. We've even begun having Online Streaming Bible Studies and Prayer Gatherings throughout the summer, which have been amazing...but it's not the same as coming together as a a family.

This is Freshman Weekend on our campus. We've got nearly 200 students scattered throughout TU, getting a taste of dorm life and such. We've been blessed to be right in the thick of it all day. And I can tell you quickly, we've loved it. And missed it. This is what has been missing from my daily routine. Not having the daily encounters with my students has depleted me beyond words. And today proved that. I can feel myself literally being re-energized. My focus is clearer. My passion has returned. And that gnawing sensation within has been satisfied.

For now...

Freshmen move in, in 33 days...but whose counting!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Ahhhhh! What a relaxing night! Just kinda laid back, watching a couple of TV shows with the girls...surfin' the ' know I got my coffee.....oh, and the rain! It's been a sloooowww steady rain all night, and should go on till morning! We've got our windows open, there's a light breeze, and the sound of that rain is so amazing! Haven't seen rain like this in a while. Our crops here are in real need of it. I'm so thankful that God has chosen to send it...even if I am a little selfish!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Monday Rewind...

Today has kinda been a blur. Super busy today at the pharmacy...typical Monday. Just glad the day is over...that means tomorrow's my day off!

This weekend definitely gave me jet lag! LOL! Friday night I was able to serve at Founder's Community Church in Sandusky, OH at their LATE Night Outreach Project. Great Idea! Loved what they done. Their building is located just a couple of blocks away from Cedar Point, and to say the least, that area is jumpin' with people late at night! Pastor Ron opened up the church to FREE Chili Dogs, Chips & Sodas (and yes, there was coffee!) I love Chili Dogs...and coffee! We played an assortment of crazy videos, lots of loud music and offered friendship. It was amazing! At midnight, we turned it into a small worship set, followed by Pastor Ron sharing briefly his testimony, then opening everything up to a Q & A about anything Bible or spiritually related. Blown away! Got home sometime after 3AM! Good thing I'm a night owl! Thanks Pastor Ron for the invite! Let's do it again.

Saturday was fun as the girls and I headed back to Sandusky to crash all the shoe shops in town! Total fun...and many of the shops will never be the same! LOL

Yesterday was really great as we were able to hang out with the folks at Port Clinton Baptist Church. Pastor Gene was on vaca and invited me to fill in for him. Glad he did! I preached yesterday morning, then last night turned into more of a 'conversational type' of setting. It really reminded me of what we do at H2O. I loved it! What really blew me away, was the fact that we had NO MUSIC...literally! The entire service was the class! Now you really want to hear something I wrapped up everthing (which was an hour later), I just opened everything up to their thoughts, questions and such. And another hour later we finished! God was truly up to something last night as the group of us really didn't want to go home, we wanted to investigate more. I loved it! Hope I get the opportunity to go back and do it again real soon.

Tonight brings lots of little things that I have to do...but not with out watching a couple of our favorite TV shows with the girls...I love chick shows! LOL! And I love bein' with my girls, so that makes everything worth it!

That's it for now...Cheesecake & Coffee is callin' my name! God Bless!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A Random Day....

Today was such a good day...a good day off from the pharmacy! After an amazing nights sleep, I was off to the campus to spend the morning. After several meetings getting H2O shapped up, I was off to Sandusky for a Pastor's Fellowship & Cookout on Lake Erie! Burgers on the grill is hard to beat, even if it is with a bunch of other preachers! LOL! And to look out over the lake...WOW! Then I headed over to Founders Community Church to discuss last minute details about Friday nights 'late night' evangelism project. I'm preparing Easy Worship and leading worship for this event. It really is late night! It starts at 11:30pm. Good thing I'm a night owl!

After I got back home, Mrs. Denise and I are off to run a couple of errands. Glad to back home for the rest of the evening. Time on the front porch...crusin' the net for a time for coffee and a good book.

Life is good....

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Fourth Of July Snapshots...

Our day started at the local Flea Market! This place is crazy! Today, about 5000 people were there. The cool thing is there are tons of concession stands all over the place! Mrs. Denise and I found this great Bar-B-Q tent...Oh Yeah!

Tabitha Loves Shaved Ice!

We're now in Hedges-Boyer Park in Tiffin, getting ready for the fireworks show. We got there around 6:00pm, just to hang out and enjoy the park. We also had to get there early so we could find a great place to see the fireworks. We did good...we were literally less than 50 yards from the launch site! Man, was it loud!

Most people in the park had been there most of the day. Tents, chairs, grills were the norm. Since we were late comers, we improvised...Pizza Delivery!

Tabitha...well, you know! LOL!!

Tab and Devin showing off their 'snow poles'! It was dark outside, and they still almost blinded us with their white legs! LOL!

Tab and Devin watching fireworks!

Assorted Fireworks Pics!

Great day...lots of fun!
I love the Fourth of July!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Multi-Site Worship Venues...

I love change! I love the concept of rethinking the old and implementing the new...especially in the area of church! To brain-storm with other creative minds seeking ways to further God's Kingdom is one of my most favorite things to do. To those other church guys who are still lost in the 1940's, they see guys like me as a 'rebel'...a 'lone ranger'. I don't care!

I've looked at, studied, prayed through, attempted, failed at some, succecced at most, and seemingly bought into almost every innovative idea that has came about involving church growth.

Almost...every one.

And that one, was the concept of Multi-Site Worship.

It's just hard for me to wrap my brain around the concept of one pastor, multiple locations. Sounded good...looked good on paper....naw, just not for me.

Until now...

This past weekend I had the honor of speaking to a small group Bible Study concerning the move from high school to college. That small group, was part of Jersey Baptist Church, just outside of Columbus, OH. Jersey, offers a multi-site worship venue.

We decided to go down a little early on Sunday morning to participate in one of their worship venues. We chose 'Emerge'. Emerge is a high-electricity rock style praise & worship service, set in an auditorium whose ambiance would best be described as a cross between a concert and a club. It was extremely dark inside, except for the stage lights and the monster screen at back of the stage. The musicians were warming up, videos were playing on screen, and it was such a warm environment inside. Just outside the doors of Emerge was a small coffee kiosk (you knew I would find that!), with tons of people milling around waiting on the service to start.

At the exact same time, two other services were gearing up as well at different parts of the church campus. One, 'Gospel Celebration' is a worship celebration featuring old gospel hymns. The second, 'Jersey LIVE' is a worship venue where they experience a Spirit filled worship service that utilizes the Jersey Live Praise Leaders, Choir, Band and Orchestra. The music is a mix of soft contemporary and modern choruses.

Did I mention all three of these were going on at the EXACT same time? Crazy!

Then, as each of the respective worship times draws to a close, the Senior Pastor speaks to all venues, via streaming video.

Each one, having their own Venue Director/Pastor and Worship Leader, yet all belonging to the same church family, and all under the leadership of the Senior Pastor. I honestly could imagine all sorts of problems with this scenario. From the leadership structure all the way down to the exact timing of the speaking, to having all the bugs worked out and kept out of the streaming video. Yet, it worked...and it worked well!
I have to admit, as I set through the service at Emerge, I attempted to critique every little detail. Here, is my findings:
  1. The worship band and worship leader were not professionals...yet they shown a true heart for God and leading His people in worship. And I'm talking rock style band...even the fog machine! They strived for excellence...they almost made it. I, not only enjoyed my worship time, but enjoyed the people around me worshipping also.

  2. The venue itself, with the dark and mysterious ambiance, just drew me in immediately. It was like I had no other choice, I had to go to 'that one.'

  3. I was totally caught off guard at the audience itself. I was expecting teenagers through the twenty-somethings to be the majority of the congregation. WOW, was I in for a shock! I would say the median age would have been somewhere between 38-42! 'Not quite' middle aged couples with their teenaged children. Dude, that was crazy!

  4. I kept thinking as the pastor was speaking that I would look around and see many of the people, especially the younger ones, not paying attention, goofing around, you know the like. Again, polar opposite of my expectations. It was as if each one in the room was literally hanging on to every word the pastor said, anxiously awaiting what was coming next. And he was on video! Amazing!
There's a lot more great things going on at Jersey! I'm just thankful that I had an opportunity to hang out with some great students for the morning.

And I also thankful that I had an opportunity to experience something brand new in the area of church! And I liked did my family...

I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks...

Monday, June 29, 2009

MayhemFest Prayer...

I am begging for your commitment to prayer! On July 31st, there is going to be a mass concert held at the Blossom Music Center in Cuyahoga Falls, OH that desperately needs our most urgent prayer. The Mayhem Festival is coming to the Blossom Center, and with it comes a list of the most Godless groups in history. Headlining the concert will be Marlyn Mason, along with a a plethora of others. I'm asking that you join us in prayer that God will intervene in this event, and will make His presence known in such a way that both the groups and the attenders can't help but realize that God is real and desires a personal relationship with them. I'm praying for mass revival to take place! Nothing...nothing is out of God's reach. If you live in the area, I'm asking you to commit to personally prayer walking around the area before July 31st. Here is the list of the groups scheduled for this event:

Marilyn Manson




Bullet for my Valentine

Cannibal Corpse


God Forbid

Job for a Cowboy


All that Remains

The Black Dahlia Murder

White Chapel

Mushroom Head

I believe that God is wanting to do a mighty work here, and He's asking us to join Him. If you're willing to join me in prayer for this, leave me a comment! And by all means, pass this blog along to your family and friends so they can join us as well!

"Father, I know it is Your Will to reach this group of people. I know that You love them beyond words...and that You desire a relationship with them. Father we are giving You this a MIGHTY work before, during, and after this event! May history be made with Your power on July 31st! We love You, and thank You...and we praise You for what You're going to do! In Jesus' Name we pray...AMEN!"

Prayer Requests

I've just listed the prayer requests for our Online Streaming Family Prayer Time on Sunday night, June 27th, 2009. Please drop by, and partner with us in prayer. If you would, leave me a comment here that you are planning on partnering with us for these prayer needs. Here's your link: Prayer List

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Pop Icons Dead...

Wow! What a day this has turned out to be. This morning, THE icon of 70's pop culture ~ Farrah Faucett passes away. Seriously, who could ever imagine the blonde bombshell of Charlie's Angels dead!

But that wasn't all...

As I write this, it's just been announced that the self-proclaimed 'King of Pop' ! Michael Jackson, has also died! Are you kiddin' me! No one in their right mind woke up this morning thinking today would be the day 'the gloved one' would die.

Just livin' proof that our life is like a vapor....

Wonder what tomorrow will bring...

Monday, June 22, 2009

A Long Time Comin'...

It truly has been a long time comin'! For months I've been literally screaming inside for just a few extra moments to truly devote to writing again. I've got so many things runnin' through my head that I really want to get on paper, but it seems like each time piece in the country has turned against me! Tonight, God gave me the special time needed to get some things outta my head an onto paper. So I want to invite you to take a small trip to a blog that's very special to me, that's my devotional blog: 'I Espresso'd Myself ~ Views of Life From A Coffee Junkie' And while you're there, grab a fresh cup of coffee and enjoy the latest chapter, 'It Should Be Natural...'

I await your comments...

Sunday, June 21, 2009

My Father's Day...

Today has been absolutely amazing...and so needed! A quality day spent with my girls is priceless. Here's a brief synopsis of my incredible day.

  1. Got to 'kinda' sleep in.
  2. Headed out to Columbus for a day of mayhem.
  3. First stop, one of my favorite places ever, where I bought THIS for our H2O Praise Band. We're really gonna kick it up a notch this fall!
  4. Then HERE for lunch.
  5. Next was a mad dash to Old was their last day of their 1/2 price men's sale. You should've seen Tabitha strippin' down a mannequin...that thing didn't stand a chance.
  6. Then off to Polaris...nobody warned them Tabitha was coming!
  7. Last stop in Columbus was HERE. The girls enjoyed Fraps while I scoured the place! Oh, I had one too after my adventure!
  8. Now on the road back home and a final stop at the Big Dipper for Ice Cream Flurrys. Mine was a Cherry Cheesecake.
  9. After we got home, we looked at Tab's amazing pics from her vacation at the lake. She's such a photo ham! LOL!!!

Fairly simple day...that's what I wanted.

Quality time with my girls...not only priceless, but irreplaceable! a blessed man.

Happy Father's Day to me!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

It's in the wee hours of Father's Day morning...and I must admit that emotions are wanting to run high. I simply adore the fact of being a Dad, and honestly, I've got the best kid on the planet! Well, actually, she's certainly not a kid anymore...she turned 20 this year! But if I say kid, will it make me any younger? Just a thought. Tabitha, it's a pure pleasure and honor to have been chosen to be your Dad!

I've been thinking a ton about my Dad this past week. He will soon be gone 9 years, yet it seems like yesterday that he and I talked on the phone. If you only knew how much I miss those phone calls. Today, Denise and I were rearranging some things in our office, and I run across a copy of my Grandfather's obituary. He's been gone 20 years this past May...again, it seems like yesterday that we were taking Tab over to his house so he could see her. Gee time flies!

I've got tons of things screaming in my head that I really want to put on paper, but my ADHD just want allow it tonight. It's been a rough few days around here lately trying to get my CDO (that's my OCD put in the correct order) and my ADHD to play fair. Neither of them evidently understand the rules. Hopefully in a day or two I can sit down and get these thoughts outta my's all about my Dad...and it's all about my DAD. You'll see soon.

To all my friends, family and my readers, may you have an amazing Father's Day! May you enjoy each and every second with your families. I know I'm planning on it!

Happy Father's Day To You!
Happy Father's Day To Me!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Lazy Saturday...

Today is proving to be such a needed day of nothingness! I worked for a couple of hours this morning at the pharmacy, but other than that....ahhhhhh! Mrs. Denise and I headed up to Norwalk, OH so she can attend a Pastor's Wives Luncheon, so I took advantage of the trip to check out this great little coffee shop in the downtown area. Here I sit inside Sherri's Coffee House...this great little, out-of-the-way, nook, that definitely has a Christian atmosphere. As I write this, I'm wishin' that this was located in Tiffin instead of Norwalk!

The Wi-Fi is super fast...the view is amazing (so far, I've watched over 150 motorcycles of all shapes, colors, and sizes go by...and that's just in the first 20 minutes!)...and the coffee is killer! So far, I've had a 4-shot espresso, and I chased it with a 16oz regular brew...I'm not done yet!

To put it simply...This reminds me of home...

Sunday, June 7, 2009

I Have Lusted...

It seems like everybody up here on the Northcoast has at least one motorcycle. They're EVERYWHERE! Seriously, there is way more cycles on the road than's amazing. For years, I've wanted to get a cycle, guess it's that mid-life crisis thing, LOL! This past weekend, has been Bike Week in Sandusky, OH...and I mean literally thousands of bikers have converged on this small coastal town. As we were out today, going to and from church, bikes dominated the roadways...I have to admit, I was awestruck!

But now, it's worse! As I've already said, I've wanted a bike for years, but just couldn't quite find a style, maybe a color....that just really 'jumped right out at me'. They're all gorgeous, but I just couldn't find the one that says 'Jim'. Until now....

This past week I believe I've found the one I've been waiting on! It's the new 2010 Honda Fury. Nope, it's not a's a Honda...and it has my name all over it! Now, all I have to to save my coffee money...probably gonna take a while! LOL!

Hope you enjoy it too!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Strange Coincedence?

I find it overwhelmingly coincedental that the final word to win the Scripps National Spelling Bee is "Laodicean". Seriously, think about it. The one word that millions of ears are anxiously awaiting to be spelled correctly, means 'lukewarm or indifferent'. Coincedental? I think not. Look at Revelation 3:14-22. A familiar passage of Scripture, that typically defines the majority of churches across this land. 'Lukewarm' is not a word that I want to describe me. Look at what Christ says He feels about being 'lukewarm'. It makes Him sick at His stomac h when He thinks about you and me being this, 'lukewarm'. So much so that Scriptures tells us that He wants to "vomit you out of My mouth."

Think God is trying to tell us something? I do! I mean, just think...God used the National Spelling Bee to share with us His thoughts about today's church.

Makes me sick too...

Monday, May 25, 2009

New posts coming soon: 'The AR Trip', 'NBC Church Experience', 'Hangin' Out With Dave' & more...stay tuned!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Woooo! Ready for a looong weekend! This has been crazy in the jungle. Looking for several days of just chillin'. The weather here on the coast is gonna be just about right! I sense a serious case of lazy comin' on! LOL!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Spent the night jammin' with the American Idol finale...loved it! For my 'color commentary' GO HERE!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sunday Summary

Today was an amazing day! Great services at First Baptist-Clyde! Thanks Dan Duffy for the opportunity to speak. This afternoon was really lazy, enjoyed lots of family time, just kickin' back, watching movies and hanging out! Tonight, was awesome! H2O launched their LIVE On-Line Prayer Service! Totally Cool! Will have more info soon.

That's about it, time to call it a blessed!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Today's been a super day! Spent the morning at Freshman Orientation over on the campus, had a great time, met some really cool students that's gonna be with us next semester. Grabbed some lunch at the cafeteria, then headed out into the rain to Wal-Mart! There was one bright spot in the to stop at Staples! LOL!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Today was filled with a 'must needed' mowing of our yard! Tried to mow it last Tuesday, but the mower wouldn't cooperate! So after spending a week in the shop, I FINALLY got to get it back this morning. And now a second too soon! Grass was over 8" tall...and the Dandelion King had taken up residence! But thank God, that massive task is behind us now.

Spent the rest of the day with the girls, doing little things around the house. My 'to-do' list keeps getting bigger...I just need more hours in the day.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Momma's Day Around Our House...

Wow...what a Momma's Day at the Whaley house! We took the Sunday off, just to have some quality family time! After we got up this morning, we got dressed and headed to Red Lobster in Findlay! Oh my was that fun! We got right in, cause we were there when they opened the door...note to self, always go early! Hahahaha!

The we attacked the Findlay Mall shoppin' for Momma! Now that was a hoot! Going in different directions looking for all kinds of 'stuff' and leading the pack was my shoe-crazed daughter!

Geez I love my girls...nothing better than quality family time...and today, I'm in the zone...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Texting...Nuisance or Ministry Tool...

Texting is a phenomenon that has swept our world. The concept of an 'instant email' in 160 characters or less delivered right to our cell phones has revolutionized our communication thought process. Nowadays, if you don't text, you're just not cool! And if you don't have 'unlimited' text, you're REALLY not cool! I suspect that in the extreme near future, the career to have would be that of an orthopedic doctor that specializes in thumbs!
I'm still relatively new to texting...less than one year to be exact! But I have to admit, it certainly didn't take long to become addicted! If fact, my whole family have become text addicts! Together, the girls and I text somewhere in the neighborhood of 7K texts a month! Told you we were addicts!

Now, having said all of that, and knowing America's addiction with this crazy past-time, why is it you think, that when we enter our churches we are told immediately to put our phones away, or at the very least to put them on silent. Do you like me, have those 'sudden urges' to whip out that phone and make a quick text, then quickly put it away so as not to get caught? Or, have it at-the-ready for that reply?

With churches and ministries all across our country, discouraging the use of texting in our services, we at H2O have taken just the polar opposite approach! Each week as our students gather for worship, we're encouraging them to make sure their phones are charged and ready to go!

But we do it, for a purpose.

And it works...

At H2O, our focus has always been, 'how can we impact our campus the most?' And I've always believed that texting had to be included in the mix. So for Phase 1 of our plan, here is what we've chosen to do:

Each Thursday night as our students gather for our weekly large group worship, videos and such are playing on our big screen, while our students use this time for quick bits of socializing. But as the time draws near to get things officially 'kicked off', everyone heads for their seats and pulls out their phones. Now the fun begins!

At the '3 minute warning' (sometimes we use a 5 minute warning) we use a countdown video that leads us into our service. During that specific 3 minute time span (or 5 minute, whatever the case may be), I instruct the students to text their friends certain types of messages. For example, during the last week of classes, I asked them to text their friends something encouraging...'finish the semester strong'...'I'm prayin' for your finals'...'Good luck'....etc. What ever is said, it HAS to be very 'uplifting & encouraging'. And you cannot text anyone who is also at the worship must be to students that are not in attendance. If someone doesn't have texting (and that's rare!), they are encouraged to make phone calls instead.

At first I must admit, this was way out-of-the-box...risky...but at the same time, if it worked, it would be extremely innovative. The first night we did this, my students had an extra gleam in their eye...they loved this concept! The results were unbelievable!

To give you some indication as to the impact this makes, our last night of the semester, we were extremely down in attendance. Last minute projects & papers kept many of our students busy. But for those who were there, we had 21 students that use text. And during the 5 minute countdown, those 21 students texted 327 people and encouraged them in some way about doing great on their final exams! That's amazing! Now what else is cool about this, is the fact that 80 of those 327 people who received those texts, responded back to our H2O students! That's 25%! Those 25% said things like: 'thanks, you don't know how much I needed that!'...'thanks for thinking of me'...'wow, such great timing'...'thanks for the prayers, I need 'em'!

Sure, we help encourage our students with different incentives to do this, but my oh my, the results are crazy! One young lady texted 37 people during that 5 minute block! Another 3 students had over 30 each!

Texting...the time has come for change. How will you use today's technology and blend it in with today's culture? For us, we're gonna continue to impact our campus, one text at a time!

The Indy Trip...Finally

Sleeping was difficult in Indy. The bed was uncomfortable, had hundreds of things running through my head and my ADHD was screaming. So when I finally got up, I was in desperate need of the bucketfuls...I would've even considered an IV drip! LOL!

Ron Cooper and I drug our way to the restaurant that was in the hotel, and by this time, my whole world was screaming! I NEEDED COFFEE! I'm sitting there expecting a massive cup to make it's way to me, but instead, this was brought out to me:

This was nothing more than a thimble to me! LOL! Yep, I asked for a bigger cup! Here's what I got!
And TWENTY MINUTES LATER, they put coffee in it!

Back up in the room, to finish getting ready for our first session, I took a peek outside...look what we got over-night!
I usually love conferences. Although I have to be very selective which ones I attend due to scheduleing, costs, travel, etc. So when I go, I'm looking forward to a great time, meeting & networking with new friends, and getting some quality 'refresh & reload'. But when the rooms aren't big enough to hold all the attendees for a particular session, it kinda defeats the purpose. This pic is a classic shot of breakout sessions that went on all throughout the conference. Only a few of the sessions had ample room.

Time for another coffee break...this time, I had to drink from an expensive thimble!

As I set in the restaurant, tryin' to chill for a while, I was blessed to have a 'in the back corner' table (by my request) so I could enjoy the snow falling outside, and use that time for a brief moment in the Word.

This trip home will always be rememberable. Here I am, riding in a 15 passenger van with 6 other preacher-guys, trying to make our way from Indianapolis back up to Tiffin. We were only a few miles out of Indy on I-70 when we were detoured up through the wonderful state of Indiana. None of us had traveled that section of road before. The wind chill was below -0, and the snow was coming down. Here we were, cruisin' down the highway, when BOOM! Take my word for it...a blowout in that kind of weather is not a pretty picture! Triple A was a 2 hour wait, and we were literally in the middle of nowhere Indiana. But God sent an angel. He was in the form of an Indiana State Police Officer. He helped our guys take care of business, and we were back on the road again!

After all the excitement on the road, we were looking for a place for food! Such a shame that the only place to eat in rural Indiana was a Bob Evans! The food left something to be desired, but the company was killer! See that bald guy, in the red hoodie with that smirky smile on his face...that dude's quickly becoming one of my closest friends! Say hello to Dan Duffy, my Associational Missionary for the Northcoast Baptist Association. Thank God he's not a normal A.M.!
For the last photo from the trip, I have to include this one. I'm sitting in Bob Evans, and beside our table was the rail wall. It looked as if they hadn't dusted in weeks! You know me, I had to leave my mark...if you look closely, you can see my name written in the dust! LOL!

We made it home in time to get me to H2O. Overall, the trip was great...conference was really good...and the memories will last a lifetime!

Monday, May 4, 2009

For a Monday, this one hasn't been too bad! Had a chance to work out in the yard this evening after work. Definitely looks like I gotta mow the yard tomorrow, before the rain hits on Wednesday. Just kinda chilled the rest of the evening, hangin' out the Mrs. Denise & Tab. I did, however, start my 'to-do' list! I've go so much little stuff to get done in the next few days it crazy. Hopefully, my ADHD won't my TOO active! LOL!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Had an amazing day with my girls,really didn't realize just how much I needed quality family time! Been good to be off today..I truly needed the break!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Many times worship leaders spend way too much time between songs doing mini-sermons. If you ae called to lead worship, then do it...lead, worship!
Last day at the National Collegiate Summit, enjoying my breakout, 'Big Ideas'. A 9 hour roadtrip home awaits...and its raining...a the buckets!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Please join me in prayer that God will provide a way for me to permanetely vacate the jungle! Matthew 9:37-38 is screaming at me this morning!
Day 1 of the NCS is in the books...David Platt was off the chain, wow did I ever need that! Day 2 should be filled with great surprises!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Arrived in Nashville for the National Collegiate Summit. Great trip with 2 guys whose 2 favorite drinks are coffee & Mt Dew!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I'm excited about the possibility of designing/leading an area wide 'D-Now'! What would be some of your ideas? Get creative...let me know!

Monday, April 27, 2009

It amazes me how northerners think that 80 degrees is hot and 85 is unbearable! One summer in the delta would cook their crawfish...just sayin!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Great evening at H2O...then got to enjoy Uncle Mike's Ice Cream! It's so nice to enjoy springtime in Ohio! Finals week @ TU...pray with us!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Text Ministry....

This past Thursday, we tried something brand new at H2O. And it worked! Just before our Worship Gatherings 'officially' start, we have a 3 minute countdown that plays on our screen. Normally, we take those 3 minutes to get to know someone in attendance that we 'normally' don't hang out with. That, in and of itself is truly creates community! However, this past week, I really felt like we needed to do something really creative!

Here's what we did....

In those 3 minutes, I asked all of our students who have texting on their phones, (duh, that's an overwhelming majority!) to text their friends or family members and encourage them in some way. Whether it's a 'hope ur havin a good day' or 'i'm prayin for u' or 'just thinkin about u' to literally whatever they could come up with to encourage others. The only clause to this project, was that you couldn't text anyone who was in attendance at H2O. Sounds simple...

In three minutes, we successfully encouraged 83 people, simply by text.

Yep, we're gonna do it again.....

Monday, March 16, 2009

Missions Trip 'continued'...

As we continue on our journey on the Gulf Coast, my first stop on Sunday morning was at Olive Baptist Church. Bro. Roland McMillan and his congregation were incredible hosts. A special thanks goes out to them. I'm certainly looking forward to the possibilities of partnering with this church doing mission work, here on the Northcoast...

Bro. Roland treated for lunch at the amazing Movie Star Restaurant. OMG! Southern Bar-B-Que, Turnip Greens, and all the fixin's! And to top it all off...true southern born 'Nana Puddin'! As you can see by the line, it was worth the wait. And what a fabulous atmosphere!

This was our table...we did some serious damage to the buffet table! You can tell I was in the south...just look at all the glasses of sweet tea!

The afternoon was spent at Bro. Carl Myers home in Poplarville, MS. I'm out back of his house on his back deck...remenants of Hurricane Katrina still exists. This whole area has just been recently cleared from the debris.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

From The North Coast To The Gulf Coast...

I am a blessed man....

For a displaced southern boy, who is now serving in the frozen tundra on the northcoast of Ohio, to get the opportunity to go back to the promised land of the south, I'm going to jump at the chance. I have recently returned from an incredible trip to the Pearl River Baptist Association in southern Mississippi. There, I was priviledged to serve as their In-Resident Missionary during their On Mission Conference.

I flew in from Cleveland to the Louis B. Armstrong International Airport in New Orleans, Louisiana on Saturday, February 28th, and returned home on Thursday, March 5th. I have an incredible time....made new friends....and found many who are passionate about missions. In addition, I was able to indulge myself with, 'much more than I needed', amazing southern cooking!

To Bro. Carl Myers, Associational Missions Director, I thank you from the bottom of my will always have a friend in the north!

I'll be posting many pictures from my trip over the next few days...enjoy...go ahead and be jealous! LOL!!......and comment.....

This was waiting in the Cleveland Airport. Storms in the Atlanta area had all flights really messed up. My flight was over an hour late, waiting for the storms to clear.

This is Cleveland from about 15,ooo feet.

This is the Cleveland area from about 30,000 feet.

Atlanta must have known I was coming! Look what welcomed me as I got to the top of the escalator going to my departure gate! I love Seattle's Best Coffee!

This was my view from the Coffee Stand! Thanks to the storms, I missed my connecting flight from Atlanta to New Orleans. I was blessed to be able to spend an additional 3 hours in the airport.! Yay me!

More pics coming this week...stay tuned....

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Happy Birthday To Tabitha!

Today, another milestone has occurred. It seems like only yesterday that we brought that wonderful bundle of joy back to our home. What once was two, had just become three. Today, that incredible baby turns twenty years old! It certainly doesn't seem like twenty years have past since that day back in Jonesboro, AR. But it has been an amazing ride watching her grow and mature into this unbelievable young lady. I'm continually amazed at how God has guided her each and every day of the past 20 years. A blessing beyond words...she's our baby...Happy Birthday Tabitha! May you always experience the joy and love in your life, just as you have brought joy and love to ours!

We love you always...

Mom & Dad

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Blizzard of January 2009...

We really thought it might miss us. We were wrong! At 10:00pm last night, I got out and cleared off our driveway of the 3" of snow that had fallen since 6:00 that evening. I had everything cleared out, both vehicles were cleared and ready to go for this morning.

Little did we know untill 7:30am this morning that an additional 11" of snow had fallen overnight! Add the wind factor, and we had 4' - 5' drifts all around our house and beside all vehicles. We literally couldn't get out of our driveway. Then...we added another 2" - 3" during the day.

Luckily, Tabitha didn't have anything going on, on the campus, so she was safe and warm inside the house...I called in at work, since getting out of the driveway wasn't happening.

It took over 3 hours just to shovel off this ridiculously long driveway! Then to work around one of the vehicles. I think I uncovered the North Pole while I was shoveling...that had to be Reindeer tracks I saw....

Enjoy the pictures...

Sandy absolutely loves the snow! She loves to hop around in the drifts!